Sunday, September 28, 2008

8 months old

Will be 8 months old tomorrow. Getting older and older each day.....

Genting trip was fun. It was so cold up there! Managed to take some photos and I even get to ride on merry-go-round! At night, ah mah brought me around while papa and mummy went for concert. Mummy promised me that she will bring me here again end of the year.

Ah pek and family together with poh-poh went back to alor star yesterday. Ah mah flew back to alor star just now. We went out shopping and she bought me a few pants :)

Mummy said I'm gonna fly in an aeroplane soon.... I saw so many at the airport just now...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can't wait till tomorrow...

Yes, yes, yes!! Tomorrow papa gonna bring me to genting highlands. Heard it is very cold up there.....

Heard another good news. Papa might bring me to Singapore during Hari Raya if he's not oncall. :)

Eepoh said i might not be able to wear the dress she bought for me from Australia if I don't get from her soon...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Full moon

Went to ah pek's house just now. Today is baby Eugene's full moon. Wow, there was so many people there until i was so scared and cried initially. But it was ok after that. Managed to meet all my cousin aunties and uncles.

There was so much food. Besides the caterer's food, poh-poh made acar and pasembur. Everyone said is nice, too bad i can't eat them. But mummy did ta pao some food back.

"My twins aunties.."

Baby Eugene is so big now. Looked so much like ah pek now.

"Baby so cute!"

Monday, September 15, 2008


Just came back from kangar and alor star today. Ah kong bought me a new bicycle. Hmm... I can't even walk yet and he expects me to ride a bicycle?!

Anyway, it was a fun trip. Managed to bully everyone, demanded this and that.... Celebrated moon cake festival, by watching other people play lantern. Ah ma bought me a real ugly lantern that made me cry......

Can't wait for my genting trip....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Balik kampung!!

Going back to alor star and kangar tomorrow! he..he.. as usual can't wait to see everyone at home!!
I've started to crawl everywhere at home. Can't go inside rooms, kitchen and balcony. Mummy gonna get frequent headache now!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Books! Books!

Yesterday my papa bought me a lot of books. There was a MPH warehouse sale in bandar utama and yesterday was the last day. He.. He... I got 6 new story books!

On the down side, I'm down with diarrhoea for the past 2 days. Been passing out watery stools 7-8 times per day. Sigh!