Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Went back Alor Star and Kangar last weekend. Nothing much interesting to write. Did the usual, spend time with goong-goong, poh-poh, ah mah, ah kong etc.....

Went for seafood in Kuala Perlis, OK restaurant for lunch, the usual bak kut teh breakfast before heading back.

Life is back to normal now as siao-yee and err-yee went back to school. He..he... so back to bullying mummy!

Ah mah starts renovating her kitchen today. Hope to be back and visit a new kitchen next month!!

No pictures this time as papa didn't bring back the camera.......

Oh, Happy birthday, goo-goo! Waiting for you to belanja us!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Playing lanterns

Went to Ah Pek's house last night to play lanterns with Emily, Ah Ming and Eugene! Ah Pek belanja us dinner.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Birthday Party

We went to Aunty Sook Yen's birthday party last Saturday. We had fried rice, fried mee, chicken
wings, sausages, french fries, "lok-lok" and so much more!!

He..He... Mooncake festival is coming. Papa bought me 2 lanterns!! Hope to play with Emily, Ah ming and Eugene next time....

I've learn a new way to eat french fries.........