Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fun in the Park

It's been raining nearly every evening. Luckily, today was shiny! We went to the playground in the evening. It's been a while since last I went to the playground! Really enjoyed myself. Had an ice-cream before heading home....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Genting Highlands

We went to Genting Highlands last night. The reason ah ma came to KL is bcoz papa and mummy going to watch a concert and ah ma will be taking care of me.

Ah ma arrived at around noon. We went to Sunway Pyramid for lunch. We had sushi! It's my favourite. As usual, i'll take those small ones with crabsticks and those with the red fish-eggs from the carousel.

We left home about 5.30pm and reached Genting around 7pm. Initially, was hot but later it rained and was very cold. Luckily, I wore 2 Mickey Mouse sweaters! I wanted to eat sushi again but the rest refused :( We had rice and noodles (plus fries!) for dinner.

After dinner, papa and mummy went to the concert. Err-yee accompsnied me for all the rides :) But the bad part was the place was too crowded! Everything also have to line up! Overall i had lots of fun ;)

We left around 12.30am and i was so tired and slept in the car.......

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ah Ma is Coming!

Ah ma is coming this Friday! Have to clean the house and vacuum the floor before she comes!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Do you know that i've lots of "friends" that share bed with me? I have Barney, Tweety (big and small ones), Hi-5, Chup-chup, teddy bear, piggy, etc.... They've filled up the whole beds until mummy and papa have nowhere to sleep! Ha! Ha! Never mind, they can sleep on the floor!

Monday, March 1, 2010