Monday, April 26, 2010

Busy weekends

Ah ma and yee-poh came to KL for holiday last weekend. Ah ma arrived on friday. Yee-poh reached KL on Saturday. We went shopping, makan, shopping and makan!

We also celebrated yee-poh's birthday early. Bought her a banana chocolate cake! But everyone went back on Sunday. Weekends passed by so fast! Starting today, papa is back to work again after a long break. It's back to me and mummy again......

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I started playing my Lego now. Ee-poh bought a Lego set for me more than a year ago but I never really knew how to play with it. First i started off by throwing everything out from the box. Later i liked playing with the box, putting it over my head and start running everywhere! Now i know how to make tall blocks and other things!

He..he.. i also learned how to play with the Rubix cube....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

Last Wednesday we went to watch How to Train Your Dragon in cinema. It is my second time watching a movie in a cinema. We reached GSC Tropicana Mall at 7.20pm and the show already started at 7.10pm! It was mummy's fault. She is always so slow!

I enjoyed the movie very much, while eating popcorns at the same time. Papa said he will bring me to cinema again to watch Toy Story 3!

Today, we went for dinner at ah pek's place. Ah pek bought a new car. Poh-poh cooked hor liao for us. She's going back tomorrow with ah pek.

Today is also Ah Weng sok's birthday. Happy Birthday Weng sok. But he rather belanja his friends than us! Grrr..............

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekend activities

We went out for lunch with ah pek n family, poh-poh, goo-goo and ah weng sok. We had japanese buffet at Daidomon Restaurant in Great Eastern Mall. They had lots of sushi, sashimi, BBQ and ice-cream! I had so much fun playing with Ah Ming and Eugene. Then we went to Toys R Us and MPH. I managed to buy another book.

Before going to lunch, I manage to do some shopping at Carrefour.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Qing-ming day

Last weekend we went back for qing-ming. Ah Pek whole family and goo-goo also went back. We reached kangar on thursday. On friday night, we (including goong-goong and poh-poh) attended papa's friend's wedding. I met lots of papa's old friends and everyone said i'm cute! :) As usual, i ran around in the ballroom and papa has to chase me everywhere!

I have a new pet! It's a pet chicken, a hairless roasted chicken! See how the chicken cries...

We came back on Sunday night. Goong-goong and poh-poh followed us......