Monday, May 31, 2010

Melaka Trip

We went to Melaka last week. Papa was attending a four days conference there. We stayed at Holiday Inn. We left KL after dinner on Wednesday night and reached Melaka about 10pm. Immediately after checked in, we went to a nearby shop for supper and dessert. I had Portugese egg-tart!

The next day, we went shopping while papa was attending his conference. But most of the time we stayed in the hotel and went for swimming everyday. We had baba and nyonya food for dinner on the first night. The ice-cendol was great! The second night, we had satay-celup. It was hot and spicy but i like it!

After dinner we went for a walk in Jonker Street with few of papa's friends. It was way too crowded there, full of tourists as it was a long weekend. It was very hot. I bought lots of toys! We had potato-stick and ice-cendol. Planned to eat satay-babi but it was full house.

We went to visit the Melaka Zoo on Sunday morning but unfortunately it was raining heavily that morning. So sad! On the way back, we stopped at Mines Shopping Centre for lunch. After that we went for the boat ride and managed to visit the Animal Wonderland. I still managed to see some animals despite not going to the zoo :)

The boat ride was fun, I managed to feed the fishes in the lake. The whole boat journey took about 40 minutes.

But the Animal Wonderland was a bit disappointing. It was a bit run-down. I managed to see a lazy tiger and another sleepy white tiger. Besides that, i also saw a bear, monkeys, birds, lizards, peacocks and rabbits.

Overall, it was a great journey. I managed to make friends with papa's friends' daughters and son. Heard that eee-poh is coming tomorrow..... Yipee!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthdays!

Happy birthday err-yee! Happy birthday ah ming chie-chie! And advanced Happy birthday to Bell-bell yee!

Yesterday was err-yee's birthday. We went out to Midvalley Megamall Chilli's for dinner. Really chiak ho liao! We had fajitas, chicken quesadillas and grilled beef ribs! Managed to buy a book from MPH before going back.

Today poh-poh came down to KL with Maggie piao-goo. It was my first time meeting her. We went to ah pek's house and celebrated ah ming's birthday. The whole gang was there playing mahjong. We had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Sok-goong also came with chim-poh and ah xiang sok-sok. After that, we blew candles and ate cakes. We stayed till nearly 12.00am and I had so much fun but tired....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I like reading books and my favourite place in a shopping center is bookstore. My favourites are MPH in Midvalley, Borders in The Garden and Book Xcess in Amcorp Mall. Whenever we go to these places, I'll sure ask papa and mummy to go to the bookstores and buy me some books.

"MPH Midvalley"

"Book Xcess Amcorp Mall"

I have a mini library at home. Up to now I have roughly about 50 books and it keeps growing!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kuantan Escapade

We went to Kuantan last Thursday. Papa was attending a workshop there. We stayed at Swiss Gaeden Hotel. Reached there about 4.30pm. The hotel was superb. The scenery was breathtaking! After my afternoon nap, we straight headed to the beach!

Luckily it was not raining. There was not many people. I enjoyed myself running around the beach, throwing frisbee and making sand castles.

Then we went for swimming at the swimming pool before heading out for dinner. We had dinner at a seafood restaurant nearby. The prices are quite reasonable.
The next morning, after breakfast, I went for a swim and play video games at the game room. I make new friend during breakfast :)

In the evening, again we went to the beach. This time there were more crowds because it was Friday evening.

We had beach side dinner on the second night. We had hawker's food by the hotel seaside, char koay teow, nasi lemak, sotong bakar, mee soup, ice kacang etc......

We left on Saturday evening. After checking-out from the hotel, we went to East Coast mall for lunch and waited until papa's workshop finishes before heading home.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Labour Day!

We went to the Crocs shoes warehouse sale today at Ikano Power Station. By the time we reached there at 10.30am, the traffic-jams have started and the crowds were like ants! So full of people! We have to queue up before we were allowed to go in the premise.
But it was all worth it. Papa bought me 3 pairs of Crocs shoes at very cheap prices! :)
Let me calculate..... How many pairs of Crocs shoes I have now??