Sunday, July 31, 2011


I bought a new aquarium in Ah Ma's house. I chose the aquarium, decorations and the fishes all by myself!
Here you can see I prepared the aquarium myself with help from ah kong.

I went to buy fishes nearly everyday. Now I have more than 40 fishes!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I like hula-hoops!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Clarise's Full Moon

My baby sister is one month old today. She received a lot of presents and ang pows. Goong-goong bought her a gold necklace and ah kong bought her a gold leg bracelet. Same like mine!

Mei-mei dressed up very pretty today. I also wear a pretty minnie mouse dress. We bought her a cake! I choose the cake by myself!

I cut the cake on behalf of mei-mei!

Ah kong put on the leg bracelet for Clarise.....

We went to goong-goong's house after lunch. Goong-goong cut some of Clarise's hair.... so she will grow big and healthy!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Life in Kangar

Currently I'm staying in Kangar with mummy. Will be here for a while until baby sister is bigger.
My sister's name is Clarise. I love her very much!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

House warming

Last Saturday, we threw a party to celebrate two joyous occasions, the birth of my sister and house warming. There were so many people coming and goong-goong purposely flew all the way from Kedah!
We had so much fun!

This is my room, it is decorated with princess cartoons! I like it very much!

With my own TV in my room and an angry bird!

My own little study table with a mini fan!

Sharing my bed with my sister!

Do i look like Minnie Mouse?

My sister likes our room too!

The crowd at the party.....