Saturday, August 30, 2008

7 months old..

I'm 7 months old today. I'm a big girl now. Also become a big sister too :)

Already steadily know how to sit, tried standing but still unsteady. Mummy said I still cannot stand properly but wanna walk, that's why I fall down so frequently!

Saw my little baby brother. Still no name given to him yet. But he's so cute, like me!! :p

Heard papa will be taking me to Genting Highlands next month. Mummy said it's very cold up there. So what? I'm not afraid of cold..... Can't wait till next month..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy birthday gung-gung!

Today is gung-gung's birthday. Went to Ah Pek's house just now. Dunno why I started crying non-stop once I reached there. Then we went out for dinner. Gung-gung gave me a big angpow!!
Later we cut the birthday cake and sang birthday song for gung-gung. Here are some pictures to share...

My new brother still in the hospital. Hopefully I can see him this weekend.....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A new brother!!!

Yes! Heard the good news from mummy. Ah Umm just delivered her baby boy bout few hours ago. I've become a big sister now!!

The baby is big! 4.1kg with more hair than me!

"Aiyoh! So chubby and cute!"

My siao-yee is now in KL. I bully her everyday :) She brought a toy notebook form Kangar. Ah mah bought for me. Too bad, it's spoilt after just one day!!! Mummy said it is because I drip saliva on the keyboard everyday until it rosak!

"I'm so smart!"

Gung-gung will be coming to KL on Thursday. Can't wait to see him and my new "dee-dee"...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Growing up...

Poh-poh came down to KL last week. Been taking care of me for the past week. She actually comes to KL waiting for the birth of my cousin brother. Gung-gung will be coming down to KL next week too. We can celebrate his birthday here. Hurray!!

I'm now an expert on my baby walker. Can fly anywhere i want to go. Already eating many types of porridge (e.g. cauliflower, salmon, ikan bilis, brocolli....). I can crawl to anywhere I want but still having difficulty balancing while I learn to sit. Also try standing but still cannot yet. Sure fall...
Papa got a new toy for me few days ago. It's a toy steering with gear. I guess he wants me to learn how to drive already!!

"Look, I can really drive!"

This weekend, my siao-yee (youngest aunty) is coming down from Kangar for the school holiday. He..He.. more people for me to bully!!

Hmm.. weekend is coming. Wonder where will papa bring me this coming weekend.....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Walking.. Walking...

He..he.. See how I walk with a baby walker!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

6 months young...

I've just reached 6 months old few days ago. Everyone now said I'm a big girl, I looked so different already...

Went to Ikano Power Centre today. Collected my photos I took 2 weeks ago, ain't I cute???? :)

He..He... Mummy bought me another 2 dresses...

Went to Ah Pek's house just now. Ah Theng koo-koo belanja makan coz she just got her first paycheck. Mummy said I was not a good girl coz I cried most of the time in Ah Pek's house. Well, can't help it ma... They looked so unfamiliar to me...

Ah Umm borrowed me a baby walker!! I already start learning how to used it. I heard Ah Umm might deliver her baby next Wednesday and poh-poh will be coming down to KL. Hurray!!