Saturday, February 28, 2009

Walking tall...

He..he.. I'm now able to walk a few steps on my own!! Not only that, I can also climb up and down from the sofa on my own. That makes mummy so worried! Guess i'm a big girl now...

Besides that, I've also learned how to say more words and eat whatever mummy and daddy eat...

Hmm.. today is the end of the month. There's no 29 February, so am I 13 months old now??

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa!

Yesterday was papa's birthday. Mummy bought a cake and later we went out for dinner at Delicious.....

Happy Birthday!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day and a trip to the zoo...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. We stayed at home and papa cooked dinner for us. I had salmon fish for dinner!

Today, we went to the zoo. It is my first visit to Zoo Negara. We went there this morning about 10.30am. It was not that crowded and not too hot. I had so much fun and managed to see so many animals that I've seen before on Animal Planet! I saw tigers, lions, giraffes, deers, birds, tortoises..................

Tomorrow is papa's birthday..........

Monday, February 9, 2009

Penang Trip

We went to penang on my birthday. This was the first time i see a ferry. Penang was so crowded. We went to eat laksa, char koay teow and cendol. We also went to Kek Lok Si temple.

"On the ferry, so windy!"

"Little pig!"

"One big and one small pig!"

We stayed at Hydro Majestic Hotel in Batu Ferringhi. Sok-koong belanja us dinner that night.

The next morning, we went to the beach. It was so hot! But i enjoyed it very much. Later, we went to Sleeping Buddha Temple. Again it was hot and crowded.

We went back in the evening while ah pek went back to KL the next day.

Today is Chap Goh Meh. Here's photos of me in my CNY dress....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Birthday party

On the second day of CNY, we had my birthday party at ah chor's house in kuala perlis. We had bbq, steamboat, laksa, fried meehoon, etc.... It was my ah chim poh's birthday too, so we decided to surprise her by throwing the party for her too!

Many ppl came, mostly my mummy's relatives. koong-koong, poh-poh, ah pek, ah sok, sok-koong and ah chim poh came all the way from alor star. He..he.. i received lots of angpows and presents....

We partied until late at night and spent the night at ah chor's place. However, my yee-pohs were travelling back to singapore the next day. So sad!

On my actual birthday, we went to penang. It was my first trip to penang......