Saturday, July 31, 2010

Still Toy Story...

I really like Toy Story very much. I have 2 new members added to my Toy Story family :)
Now i have the complete set: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Bullseye and Alien!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sand Art

Last week papa bought me a Toy Story Sand Art. Three of us sit down and do together and here are the results. Nice right? :)

Down with flu this week so stayed at home most of the time. Luckily, already recovered by today. Therefore, mummy took me for lunch at Sushi King (where else?) and just now we went to Midvalley as there is sales going on now

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fun weekend

Last friday, papa did not go to work. We went to Sunway Pyramid jalan-jalan. I had so much fun playing there! It was much nicer going on a weekday as there was no crowd. We had lunch at my favourite restaurant, Sushi King!

Today, we went to One Utama. Again I went for a ride! We had lunch at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng. Papa bought me Toy Story sand art. Will show u later once there are completed :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Toy Story

We went to watch Toy Story 3 in the cinema last night. I've watched Toy Story 1 and 2 numerous times on DVD and i like the show very much! I enjoyed myself watching the show from beginning until the end while eating popcorn!

And i have my own collection of the Toy Story characters too! Papa bought for me Woody, Ah mah bought Jessie and last night mummy got Buzz Lightyear for me! Now every night they sleep with me......

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hip-hop style

Ah Ma came down yesterday. Me and mummy went to KL Sentral to fetch ah ma and err-yee in the morning and later we went shopping in MidValley. Ah ma will be here till sunday.

Here's my new look.... "yeah" right??

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Sorry for not updating my blog for a while. My "clever" papa did not pay the internet bills for the past 3 months!! Sure enough, our internet connection was disconnected.

Anyway, we went to Swiss Garden Damai Laut in Lumut last weekend. Papa was supposed to attend a workshop there but he ended up playing with me most of the time! Ah Weng sok and sen-sen were there too.

The hotel was actually quite isolated and located deep in a oil palm plantation. It has its own private beach. The hotel room was big too. When we reached there, it was raining heavily, so I ended up sleeping the whole afternoon.

Luckily the rain stopped in the evening. We went to the beach, making sand castles, running and playing by the beach side. I managed to swim in the swimming pool too!

Later, Weng sok and sen-sen joined us for dinner. We had BBQ buffet.......

The next day, I went to the beach again until noon before heading home. We went back to visit goong-goong and ah kong.
Goong-goong bought ice-kacang for me! Ah kong bought lots of fruits for me but i don't like to eat durian.....
We came back to KL on Wednesday......... But Ah ma is coming next Thursday..........