Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's My Birthday!

Today is my birthday. I'm officially three years old! (Big gal).....

We had a birthday party during lunch time at Secret Receipe Bangsar South. Ah Pek and family together with goo-goo and Key gor-gor attended the party. I got so many presents!

Ah Pek and Ah Ungg bought me a pretty dress and a lady bug pyjama. Goo-goo bought me a Strawberry Shortcake playset and Key gor-gor bought me Strawberry shortcake's balloons! Ah-hak, ah ma, goong-goong and poh-poh gave me a big angpow.

We had so much fun! We had spaghetti, fish, lamb shank, steak, lasagna followed by ice-cream and finally my birthday cake! It's a big lady bug! I've been asking mummy for this ladybug cake since 6 months ago.

Thumbs up for the ice-cream and cake!

We had so much fun!

Birthday in School

Today we celebrated my birthday in my school. Mummy bought a cake and presents for me and all my friends. I was so happy as there were so many teachers and friends celebrating my birthday with me!
I also received so many presents from my teachers!

We sang birthday song and ate cake and dessert!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back home

We went back to alor star and kangar last weekend. Papa has to attend a workshop in hospital alor star on Sunday and Monday.
We went back on Saturday and we did lots of shopping! Ah ma bought lots of new year clothes for me! As usual, goong-goong bought ice kacang for me! Me myself bought some firecrackers!
I also received many angpows as my birthday is coming soon :)
Came back KL today, and skipped school for 2 days!

Will go back again next week for cny.........

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What I've Learned in School

I've learned something new in school. Painting and making cupcakes!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

School life

Going to school is fun as I get to play with my friends and teachers. But the thing is I have to wake up early everyday! Mummy will pick me up from school everyday and papa will come too if he's free.

So far, I enjoy going to school although I cried a bit initially. But now, i'm getting used to it as I start mixing around with other friends.

Last weekend, mummy and I went shopping for chinese new year clothes. Mummy bought so many pretty dresses for me!

Look what i have in these pictures. It's the same car papa has! It's a remote controlled Honda Accord. I already banged the car everywhere!

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Day of School

It was my first day at school today. It is actually a child care center. It starts from 8.30am to 12pm daily.
I met lots of teachers and friends! Basically, we played at outdoor, indoor, singing songs and learning Mandarin today. Mummy stayed around the whole morning.

Did I cry? He..He.. Not going to tell you......

Second day tomorrow.........

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, everybody!! I'm one year older now!
Last night managed to stay awake to watch the fireworks from our balcony. It was so awesome!

Another year has passed by, hmm..... did I miss anything?
Last year was my first time watching a movie in the cinema. It was Princess and the Frog. Subsequently, I also went to the cinema to watch Toy Story 3, How to train a Dragon, Shrek, Sammy's Big Adventure and Rapunzel.

I remember I celebrated my birthday at A&W restaurant with the A&W root bear! I had so much fun. This year, I don't know where are we celebrating my birthday, but I know I wanted a Lady Bug's cake from Secret Receipe!

Last year, I went to many holiday trips. We went to Afamosa Melaka to celebrate my birthday where I shoo the peacock! We also went to Melaka in May. In July we went to Lumut and stayed by the sea side. We went to Kuantan last December.
Last year, I went to Singapore 3 times! Had lots of fun at Universal Studio and watching Barney in concert!
But the ultimate holiday was in Hong Kong Disneyland!!

So, what's in store for me in 2011? Mummy said I'll be going to school!!!!!!!