Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy birthday, Joelle-yee!

This week is school holiday. Yee-poh went back to Kangar. On the way, they stopped at KL for a night. It was also Joelle-yee's birthday. We threw a surprise party for her :)

The next day, we went to visit our new house. It is nearly ready soon. Hope we can move in by next month.

Last night, I went to another birthday party. It was papa friend's son's birthday. I had so much fun there. I won a giraffe's balloon and i ate three ice-creams!

Ah mah is going back tomorrow, but err-yee and siao-yee will be coming next friday.......... :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back in kangar

Sorry for not updating for a while. This is because we went back to Kangar last week.

Last week, I went for a school trip to Hi-5 bread factory. We went there by bus. It was so much fun seeing and learning how bread was made. We had McDonald's for lunch. They even gave us some free breads!

Papa went to Kuching for a meeting, so me and mummy went back to Kangar. Ah Ma came and followed us back. Had so much fun playing with siao-yee.

We came back KL last Monday. Ah Ma came with us too. School holidays are coming soon. Err-yee and siao-yee will come down to KL next week! Ah Hooi-yee just reached KL today....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day, mummy!
Last Friday, we made some art crafts for mummy in school.

My heart-shaped painting...

My hand prints!

A flower with my picture on it...

Heart-shaped bread with strawberry jam! Yummy!

We went for dinner at The Garden Restaurant to celebrate Mother's Day. I had watermelon juice.....

Followed by french fries with tomato sauce!


And spaghetti. Mummy had fish and chips!

After dinner, I ate my favouriteBaskin Robbin's strawberry ice-cream!

Happy Mother's Day again, mummy, from Chloe, mei-mei and papa......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Random pics...

Here's some pictures taken by Hui ah-yee last week. She came over during the long weekend and we had so much fun!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chicken Pie

Last Friday, we made chicken pies at school. We used chicken meat, vegetables and carrots as ingredients. It was yummy! I brought home and shared it with papa and mummy.

Next month, my school is having a field trip to Hi-5 bread factory!! Can't wait.......