Thursday, February 28, 2013

Washington DC (2)

It was raining the whole day on Saturday, therefore we spent most of our time indoors by visiting the museums. First we went to the National Museum of Natural Science. Here we learned about human evolution to dinosaurs, animals, plants and our galaxy and planets. I really love this museum.

I know the names of all the planets

Korean culture

Big blue whale


Big crystal

Giant elephant


Smithsonian castle

After that we went to the National Museum of American History. It was just beside the museum of Natural Science. Here we learned about American history from the American Revolution to their presidents and first ladies.

It was already evening by the time we came out from the museum. We had a short walk to the Washington monument. It is the tallest structure in Washington DC. Unfortunately it was closed to public as it was under renovation. We had chinese deliveries for dinner in our hotel. We had fried rice, chicken rice and fried noodles!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Washington DC

Last week we went to Washington DC. We reached there on Friday afternoon. We stayed in Residence Inn, the same hotel we stayed in Weston when we first arrived in USA.

The weather was cold, but not as cold as in New York. Temperature was around 0 to 6 degree. It was snowing on Friday, but not as much as in New York. This was my second time seeing snow!

Say cheese...

Pizza for lunch in the hotel

Say cheese, again!

Because of the weather, we did not go anywhere far. We visited the National Air and Space Museum. We learned about airplanes, rockets, spaceships, other planets and galaxies. The museum was so huge that we spent hours there.

Wilbur and Orville Wright, the brothers who created the first airplane

National Art Gallery behind us

We went back to the hotel early as everyone was tired after our early flight. Again, we had Mc Donald's for dinner.....

The US Capitol at night

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Today is papa's birthday. I made two birthday cards for papa. One I made in school and the other I made at home with Clarise.
We went out for buffet dinner today to celebrate papa's birthday and I chose an Oreo ice-cream cake!