Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, Goong-goong!

Last Wednesday was goong-goong's birthday. Happy birthday! Goong-goong, poh-poh together with baby Kaylee came to KL and stayed in our place. Me and Clarise were so happy to meet Kaylee again.
The whole family went for dinner. Eugene's birthday was two day's earlier, so we celebrated his birthday too and he got lots of Lego presents! But it was a short trip for goong-goong as they went back to Alor Setar yesterday. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life in small town

We went back to Alor Setar and Kangar last weekend. It has been more than a year since we went back. We were so happy to see Ah Kong and Ah Ma. But it was just a short trip as papa will be working the following Monday.

As usual, we went to Ah Chor's house. We ate fruits, running around, catching fish and play with dog! We definitely enjoy these as we don't have much chance doing all these when we go back to KL.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We finally reached KL last Friday at midnight after a 27 hours flight. 27 long hours! We went from Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles to Hong Kong and finally Malaysia. We have to change flights 3 times.

For the first week here, we were jet lagged. Both me and Clarise slept early and woke up at 4am!

It 's good to come home but I will always miss USA....

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Coming Home

Well, it's time to go home. After one year, it's finally time to go back. I will miss everything here in USA. We have moved out from our apartment and currently we are staying in the very same hotel when we first came here. We are busy packing stuff which is forever never ending. Will catch a flight very early tomorrow....

South Beach, Miami

Last weekend, we went to South Beach again. This time we stayed a night in Courtyard Marriott Hotel. This will be our last holiday before heading back home. We did nothing except playing by the beach the whole day. Luckily the weather is good!