Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bye Bye 2013!

The year is coming to an end. I will be 6 years old and Clarise will be 3 years old soon. How time flies. I remember we celebrated last new year in a hotel in Miami. We went to Starbucks and we bought the cake pops. It will be year 2014 in another 30 minutes and I cannot wait until my birthday!

Meanwhile, mummy is already in Chinese New Year mood...

Happy New Year every one!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas and it's time for exchanging presents! Christmas is always one of my favourite holidays as we get to exchange presents. Last year, we had a white christmas tree in US and this year we have a green one.

This year, me and Clarise got lots of presents from Papa, Mummy, err-yee and also tiao-kong and goo-poh as they came to visit us last week. We had a great time exchanging and opening our presents. I received lots of books and a Barbie doll while Clarise got lots of books too and a Playdoh set.

In the evening, we went for dinner with goong-goong, poh-poh, ah pek, Weng-sok and goo-goo. We went to the Secret of Louisiana Restaurant. We had spaghetti, pizza and ice-cream. After dinner, we went to Weng-sok's house and played with Yogi the doggy

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Phuket Trip

We went to Phuket last week. Again papa went there for work. Ah ma followed us too. This time we took the Business Class flight! It was so much different from the normal flight. We get free food while waiting in the airport!

We stayed in Destination Patong and Spa Hotel. It was just next to Burasari Hotel, the hotel which we stayed in during the previous visit.

Front of our hotel

We spent most of the time here shopping and having good food. We had lobster too!
We met Ah Pek whole family on the second night and we had dinner together. Of course, we played on the beach too.