Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Poh-poh!

Today is grandma's birthday. Wish u a happy birthday, poh-poh!!
She shares the same birthday with Emily. Today is also the day I've reached 9 months old.
Last weekend we went to Ah pek's house to celebrate Emily's birthday. We had steamboat there. Eugene is so big!! I think he'll be taller than me by next month!

Today, ah ma will be coming back from Korea. Hope she bought me lots of presents!!
I've got 2 front teeth above and below!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sabah trip... (3)

Managed to swim for the first time in the hotel swimming pool. He..He... it was fun!!

Later in the day, we went to the Sunday market. It's a place where people sell handicrafts, souveniers, t-shirts, food, etc... But it was so hot! After that, we went to buy some big scallops. Mummy said, it's for me!!

We had lunch at the hotel and went to the airport to catch our flight at 3.45pm.

Reached KL at 6.05pm and finally reached home around 7.30pm. It was very tired but enjoyable trip.

Papa said next time will bring me there again when I'm bigger so that we can go to the jungle, island and climb mountain.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sabah trip.. (2)

We visited Lok Kawi Wildlife Park. It was actually a mini zoo. I managed to see so many animals: tigers, zebras, bears, elephants, ponies, monkeys, birds..... But it was very hot and humid.

"Doe, a deer, a female deer... "

"Proboscis monkey"


"my little ponies.."

Later, the night we went out for dinner. We had seafood. We managed to watch a traditional Murut dance there.

"have you ever seen oysters this big?!"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sabah trip..(1)

Just came back from KK. It was a fun and enjoyable trip. It was my first time boarding an aeroplane, go to the beach, swimming and going to the zoo.

An aeroplane is so big!! It make a lot of noise too!! He..he.. I didn't sleep during the 2 and 1/2 hours flight but disturbing everybody!!

"Inside the airplane"

"Arriving at KK International Airport"

KK is a small city. We stayed at Sutera Harbour. It is a very nice 5-star hotel by the seaside. First day we went out jalan-jalan around the city and at night we had seafood for dinner. "The King" Alvin belanja us! :)

"The King and The Queen"

The next day we went to the beach. I like the cold sea water and the softness of the sand... We walked around the hotel and I enjoyed the scenery there

"Eee... the water is so cold!"

Very sleepy and tired now. Will post more pictures later....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Will be boarding an aeroplane for the first time this week! I will be flying to Sabah!!! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait......
Papa was down with flu last night. Sneezing and coughing non-stop. Have to sleep without air-cond last night. So hot!

Ah-mah will be going to Korea end of this month. He..he.. hope she buys me present!!

Just to share a few cute photos of me! :p

Will post more photos after I come back from Sabah.... Mummy said gonna buy me bikini coz we will be going to the beach....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Mummy!

It was mummy's birthday yesterday. Papa brought us to Melaka for a day trip. It was hot but fun! Visited the historical sites which I have no idea what they were all about!

"Happy birthday, mummy!"

My eepoh from singapore joined us in Melaka. Did some shopping, eat nyonya food and reached home at 11.00pm. I played with my cousin uncle and auntie till 2am!

"The Stadhuys"

"Perigi Hang Li Po"

This morning we went to The Garden. Eepoh bought me a Lego set. Too bad I cannot play with it yet. Papa said I'm still too small. Have to wait till next year.

Later went to Ah Pek's house for dinner. Koo-koo bought me a very cute ladybird costume. Baby Eugene is so big now! Exactly looked like ah pek!