Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sabah trip..(1)

Just came back from KK. It was a fun and enjoyable trip. It was my first time boarding an aeroplane, go to the beach, swimming and going to the zoo.

An aeroplane is so big!! It make a lot of noise too!! He..he.. I didn't sleep during the 2 and 1/2 hours flight but disturbing everybody!!

"Inside the airplane"

"Arriving at KK International Airport"

KK is a small city. We stayed at Sutera Harbour. It is a very nice 5-star hotel by the seaside. First day we went out jalan-jalan around the city and at night we had seafood for dinner. "The King" Alvin belanja us! :)

"The King and The Queen"

The next day we went to the beach. I like the cold sea water and the softness of the sand... We walked around the hotel and I enjoyed the scenery there

"Eee... the water is so cold!"

Very sleepy and tired now. Will post more pictures later....

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