Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weekend escapade

We went back to alor star and kangar again last weekend. I'm always very happy whenever we go back coz can see my grandparents and great grandparents.

Didn't do anything much except makan, makan and makan. Went to the seafood restaurant in kuala perlis as usual. The food there never change. Always the same. But ah chor cooked a nice dinner for us. We had crabs, prawns, balitongs, fishes, see-ham......

"He.. He.. Me playing with balitongs...."

School holidays are coming. I'm waiting for goong-goong and poh-poh to come and visit us. Siao yee will be coming later this month. He..he.. will begoing to genting again soon...

Another bit of good news. Ah Weng-sok is getting married next year!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

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