Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1st Anniversary

Yes, my blog is already one year old! Can't believe I managed to maintain it for one year! So far I've got more than 800 hits, not too bad for a baby. Thank you for all your support!!
I hope to continue blogging as long as possible (if got readers la....).
When I first started, I only knew how to crawl. Now I already can run, jump, talk gibberish and even sing! Time flies.... I'm no more a baby now.

Just came back from alor setar yesterday. Had a busy week coz it was Ah Weng sok's wedding. I had so much fun playing with my cousins, aunties and uncles!!

During the wedding dinner, my papa spent the whole night chasing after me!! Mummy and all my aunties were so pretty that night.

Today papa started working again, so no more free time to go shopping or holiday. But at least I won't be knocking on his study room anymore.....

I heard that Ee-poh is going back to Kangar this week. Hope they drop by KL.......

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