Monday, December 28, 2009


Had a relatively quiet Christmas last weekend.
On christmas day, we went to Ah Pek's house for lunch. Poh-poh cooked mee jawa. Yee-poh belanja us dinner. We went for buffet steamboat and I had lots of ice-cream!

Over the weekend, they all went to Genting Highlands. I didn't go coz papa got work to do. Anyway, it won't be fun as the place will be so crowded with people. Papa promised to bring me there next time. Last night it was goong-goong's turn to belanja us dinner.

Ah mah just came back from Singapore. Heard she bought me 3 pairs of Crocs shoes!! Ha! Ha!

"Smile, cheese..."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life as a village girl

Sorry for not blogging for so long. That was because I stayed with Ah Ma and Ah Kong for the past one week. Papa and mummy went to Hong Kong. Kangar no internet ma....

Life in Kangar was fun. Everyday I play with Err-yee and siao-yee, plus lots of cousins and aunties and goo-pohs. Went to ah chors' house playing at the garden. I enjoyed myself so much! Everytime mummy called from HK, she cried. But I dunno why she cried. I was so happy with Ah Ma, i am the queen and nobody scolded me!

Papa and mummy bought me a new pair of ORIGINAL crocs shoes!! Winter edition, not available in Malaysia. Also a mark and spencer jeans and few mickey mouse dress. Goong-goong and poh-poh bought me a giordano hat and goo-goo bought me disneyland chocolates and biscuits.

Mummy and papa came back and bring me back to KL last monday. I cried and mummy said siao-yee cannot follow us because she got school test. Mummy think i'm stupid ah? where got test during school holidays??!!!

Anyway, a merry christmas to everyone!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

School holidays (2)

In kangar, we spent most of the time in ah chor's house coz ah kong's house is still under renovation. Played whole day in the garden and playing kite!

I also get to play with cats and dogs too!

Goong-goong and poh-poh followed us back to KL.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

School Holidays (1)

Sorry for not updating my blog fpr so long. School holidays have just begun, so I was very busy!! :)

Err-yee and ah huey-yee came to stay with us for one week. So we went out shopping nearly everyday!! Then last week we drove to penang to meet up with ah kong, ah mah and my both yee-pohs. We stayed in gurney. I had a good time playing with belle-ee and reuben ah koo. Ah kong bought me a new chair!! Went makan penang food and more shopping!

After that we drove back to alor star and kangar for the weekend.... In papa's new car :)

Had an enjoyable trip to alor star and kangar. Will update the details later.....