Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life as a village girl

Sorry for not blogging for so long. That was because I stayed with Ah Ma and Ah Kong for the past one week. Papa and mummy went to Hong Kong. Kangar no internet ma....

Life in Kangar was fun. Everyday I play with Err-yee and siao-yee, plus lots of cousins and aunties and goo-pohs. Went to ah chors' house playing at the garden. I enjoyed myself so much! Everytime mummy called from HK, she cried. But I dunno why she cried. I was so happy with Ah Ma, i am the queen and nobody scolded me!

Papa and mummy bought me a new pair of ORIGINAL crocs shoes!! Winter edition, not available in Malaysia. Also a mark and spencer jeans and few mickey mouse dress. Goong-goong and poh-poh bought me a giordano hat and goo-goo bought me disneyland chocolates and biscuits.

Mummy and papa came back and bring me back to KL last monday. I cried and mummy said siao-yee cannot follow us because she got school test. Mummy think i'm stupid ah? where got test during school holidays??!!!

Anyway, a merry christmas to everyone!!

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