Sunday, July 4, 2010


Sorry for not updating my blog for a while. My "clever" papa did not pay the internet bills for the past 3 months!! Sure enough, our internet connection was disconnected.

Anyway, we went to Swiss Garden Damai Laut in Lumut last weekend. Papa was supposed to attend a workshop there but he ended up playing with me most of the time! Ah Weng sok and sen-sen were there too.

The hotel was actually quite isolated and located deep in a oil palm plantation. It has its own private beach. The hotel room was big too. When we reached there, it was raining heavily, so I ended up sleeping the whole afternoon.

Luckily the rain stopped in the evening. We went to the beach, making sand castles, running and playing by the beach side. I managed to swim in the swimming pool too!

Later, Weng sok and sen-sen joined us for dinner. We had BBQ buffet.......

The next day, I went to the beach again until noon before heading home. We went back to visit goong-goong and ah kong.
Goong-goong bought ice-kacang for me! Ah kong bought lots of fruits for me but i don't like to eat durian.....
We came back to KL on Wednesday......... But Ah ma is coming next Thursday..........

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