Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Goo-goo's wedding

Last week was a really busy week. It was goo-goo's wedding on Saturday. Everybody was here: goong-goong, poh-poh, ah ma, goo-poh, etc........

We went to Ah Pek's house for celebration on Friday night. There were so many people. I had fun playing with the all my cousins. Clarise was having fun too. There were karaoke and mahjong sessions too!
We stayed until midnight after goo-goo's prayers. Have to go back and sleep coz we have to come here again the next morning.

Clarise eating bowling ball.....

The next morning me and Clarise dressed up in pink. Both of us wore the same dress and ribbon. It was the wedding day ceremony where Key (or I should call him goo-chang now) came to receive the bride. We were so excited.

We took a lot of photos with the bride..

Clarise playing with our cousin baby sister...

 Goo-chang came with a bunch of friends and they played some games before allowed to see the bride. It was followed by the tea ceremony and lastly receiving ang-pows!

Playing iphone coz I was bored.....

Everything was over by lunch time.... We had lunch before we went back home. Next, we were preparing for the wedding dinner in the evening. I was one of the flower girls........

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