Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Playing lantern

Er-Yee came back to KL last Saturday. We had lunch at Levain Restaurant. We ordered some pastries, churros, strawberry shortcake, strawberry tart and spaghetti. I like this place coz there are so many types of pastries and desserts to choose from.

At night, we went to Ah Pek's house. Goong-goong, Poh-Poh and Kaylee came. We played lanterns, firecrackers and "pop-pop" with Ah Ming che-che and Eugene. Clarise was not scared of fire!

On Monday, we went to Weng sok's house for steamboat. It was our first time visiting his house. His house is very nice. He has a big dog named Yogi. Clarise likes the dog very much. We continued playing our lantern and firecrackers there.

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