Saturday, February 8, 2014

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! I was so busy last week, we went back to celebrate CNY. Last year we didn't celebrate in our hometowns, I still remember we were in New York. This year's CNY was a bit special because it was near my birthday, so I received double angpows!

As a tradition, on New Year's eve, we had reunion steamboat lunch in goong-goong's house. I was so happy to see lots of people. This time, Clarise was not scared of everyone anymore. But unfortunately, she was not feeling well for few days.

At night, we went to Ah Ma's house. We had reunion dinner at a restaurant. Again, I get to see all my relatives. This is the first time I saw xiao-yee since one year ago. I didn't get to meet her since I came back from USA. I celebrated my birthday for the third time that night! More angpows!

On new year's day, we woke up early to wish everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai and received angpows. We dressed up very prettily and went to visit relatives' houses. Me, Clarise and Ah Ming wore the same dress!

Goo-goo came back with Kaylee on the second day. Weng-sok brought Yogi back too. That morning, everyone was busy cooking and sok-goong cooked a very big fish! He bought us KFC too. After lunch, we went to Ah Ma's place again for another big dinner....

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