Sunday, November 9, 2014

Our School Concert

Today was our school concert. It was a special occasion for me as I was graduating from this school. We took a lot of effort to prepare for the concert. Me and Clarise have been practising for many months. Unfortunately, both of us were down with fever last night, but luckily we managed to recover and performed for the concert. The show must go on!

The theme for this year's concert is Love. We started off the concert by singing the Good Morning song followed by Negaraku. Then each class took turn to perform. Clarise's class performed the ABC song by The Jackson 5 while my class performed an Indian dance.

After that, we had a sketch about friendship performed by the us, the bridging class. Finally, it was time to receive our scrolls from the principal and we sang the Graduation Song.

We ended our concert by singing Top of The World followed by the Goodbye Song. We managed to take lots of pictures with our friends and teachers. I am going to miss them!

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