Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Shanghai Trip (1)

Last week we went to Shanghai for our annual holiday. We went there on Sunday. It was freezing cold! Temperature was around 3-6 degree. We were all covered with thick sweaters and jackets! Papa's friend came to pick us from airport and we went straight for dinner. We had so much Shanghai food. After dinner, we checked-in to our hotel at Shanghai Marriott City Centre.

The next morning, we went to Yuyuan or "Yu Garden". It was a beautiful ancient garden with lots of shops at its surroundings.

It was so cold but we still went to eat Haagen Daz ice-cream!

We had lunch there at one of the famous restaurant. We liked the Shanghai pao very much!

At night, we went out with papa's friends again. This time we had Shanghai steamboat. There was a playground in the restaurant too!

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