Monday, July 28, 2008

Back from kampung

Just came back from Alor Star and Kangar. Went back last Thursday. Had great fun visiting gung-gung, poh-poh, poh-thai, gung-thai, ah ma, ah kong, ah chor.

Papa brought me to make international passport. He said he will bring me to Singapore next month. Hurray!! Here's my passport photo.....

Went shopping at the new Tesco on Friday. Papa managed to get me some baby biscuits. Also went to Pacific to buy some nursery rhymes DVD's for me. In Kangar, again we went for seafood at Hai Tien, but very hot and noisy. Ah mah went to dusun to pick rambutans but she did not bring me there. Said a lot of mosquitoes there. Hmm... I already got a few bites on my head and face. Everywhere I go people kept saying "Aiyoh... Got mosquito bites, so kesian...." They managed to gather 5 big bags of rambutans!!! Gave 2 bags to gung-gung and brought 2 bags to KL!!! Those bags are full of ants!! Eeeee!!!

On another note, I already learned how to crawl. But still need to learn how to coordinate my hands and legs movement.......

Heard mummy was talking to Ah Umm... (is that how u spell? I mean ah pek's wife). Seems like they are expecting a new baby soon. Yippee!! Will have a new cousin brother soon. I'll be a big sister soon!!

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