Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dongzhi festival and tang yuan

Today is dongzhi festival. I'm not really sure what festival it is but i know it's the day when everyone eating tang yuan.

Went to ah pek's yesterday for lunch. Poh-poh made very colourful tang-yuan (blue, white, red, orange, green..) but mummy won't allow me to eat, afraid i might get choked. Come on, i'm already a big girl!!

Chim poh bought me a very pretty white dress! Can't wait to wear it soon.

Papa bought me 2 books today. An ABC book and an animal book.

This evening, poh-poh, yee-poh, ah ngg and ah ming came to my house. We went swimming and we had a lot of fun! Ah ming chie-chie was afraid of water!! She should come more often.

Mummy said I always sleep well after i went to swim. Of course, tired ma!!!
Christmas is coming.....

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