Thursday, January 1, 2009

Down south (2) and a Happy New Year!!

.... The next day, we went shopping again. Mummy bought lots of chinese new year clothes for me. Papa bought me a soft toy tortoise called "doo-doo". Goong-goong, poh-poh, weng-sok and theng goo-goo went back on sunday night. We spent an extra day and went back on Monday night. Yee-poh gave me "jup-jup" from High-5. I really like it!

Today is new year day. Happy new year! I'll be turning one soon... Big gal liao. Goong-goong, poh-poh and siao yee went back this morning. Will see them again soon, during chinese new year! Can't wait to receivelots of ang pows!!!

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