Thursday, February 5, 2009

Birthday party

On the second day of CNY, we had my birthday party at ah chor's house in kuala perlis. We had bbq, steamboat, laksa, fried meehoon, etc.... It was my ah chim poh's birthday too, so we decided to surprise her by throwing the party for her too!

Many ppl came, mostly my mummy's relatives. koong-koong, poh-poh, ah pek, ah sok, sok-koong and ah chim poh came all the way from alor star. He..he.. i received lots of angpows and presents....

We partied until late at night and spent the night at ah chor's place. However, my yee-pohs were travelling back to singapore the next day. So sad!

On my actual birthday, we went to penang. It was my first trip to penang......

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