Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Papa's Convocation

Really busy week last weekend. Everyone came down and visit me! Ah Kong (ehek-ehek!), Ah Ma and siao yee came down from Kangar, Lancy Ah Kong and Charles Ah kong came from Singapore and Poh-poh came from Alor Star!! Ah Hooi aunty came from Pahang!

Yee-poh bought me another kitchen set!! Now I have 2 kitchen sets!! 2 times more to mess!

"My new kitchen set!"

"Teddy bear coin box"

We went out to celebrate Reuben's birthday on Saturday night. We went to Chili's MidValley. That's my Ah ma's favourite place. We had steaks, fish and chips, salads, fajithas, nachos, etc..... After dinner, papa had to go back hospital to do an operation until 4am!

The next day we went shopping in Sunway Pyramid. Had lunch in i-Dragon. Later at night, Poh-poh belanja us dinner at Duck King. I got to play with Ah Ming and Eugene dee-dee :)

Lancy and Charles Ah Kongs went back to Singapore on Monday after lunch. We had lunch at Jogoya Starhill. We ate everything under the sun! Sa Ee Poh ate lots of fresh oysters (Eeee!!!). Everyone was so full after the lunch!!

Will update the photos later. Yee-poh, please email me the photos ASAP!!

This morning was papa's convocation. Mummy, Goo-goo, Poh-poh and Siao yee went there in the morning. Later Weng sok came and fetched us there. Wah! So many people and so hot!! Papa looked like Harry Potter only!!

Will upload more photos later.........

1 comment:

YeeYee95 said...

wah...ur daddy so clever lo...haha^^
hope u grow up oso like ur daddy nah