Saturday, January 30, 2010

Birthday in Afamosa

Papa and mummy brought me to AFamosa Resort to celebrate my birthday yesterday. We went to fetch err-yee in the afternoon and had lunch at McDonald's. We reached AFarmosa around 2pm. After checking in to the hotel, we immediately went to the zoo and mini safari. The weather was hot!

First, we went to the multi-animal show. I saw otter playing basketball, bear cycling, orang-utan playing golf, etc..... It was so funny!

Next, we took a raft to the Monkey Island. A lot of monkeys, birds and peacocks were running around. I chased some peacocks :) but I was afraid of the monkeys.

After that, we went back to the zoo and I saw ponies, ostriches, porcupines, sheep, rabbits and chickens. Then we went and watched the elephant show. I didn't know elephants can play football, drawing and dancing!

We then went for the safari ride. We have to take the truck which looked like a cage. It was noisy and smelly. The journey to the safari was bumpy. But I managed to see tigers, lions, giraffes, ox, deers and bears.

We left the zoo around 5.30pm and went straight to the water park next door. I went for a swim in the artificial beach and ocean. But the place was a bit rundown. Most of the attractions were closed for repair. But I had fun and drank a lot of water!

After dinner, we went to the Cowboy Town. It was drizzling but we managed to watch the Red-Indian show and Carnival. The Red-Indians played with fire. It was so scary!

The Carnival and Animal Parade was more fun. Again I saw lots of animals with people dancing, decorated cars and trains, mascots and even Tweety bird! The carnival ended with a firework display. I didn't like it coz it was very loud.

This morning we left AFamosa after breakfast. We went to Melaka for lunch. We had chicken rice ball. It actually looked like golf-balls! Melaka town was crowded with people and the jam was bad. Because i was sleepy, we decided to go back KL. We reached home around 4pm. It was an enjoyable and unforgettable birthday trip!

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