Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, everybody!! I'm one year older now!
Last night managed to stay awake to watch the fireworks from our balcony. It was so awesome!

Another year has passed by, hmm..... did I miss anything?
Last year was my first time watching a movie in the cinema. It was Princess and the Frog. Subsequently, I also went to the cinema to watch Toy Story 3, How to train a Dragon, Shrek, Sammy's Big Adventure and Rapunzel.

I remember I celebrated my birthday at A&W restaurant with the A&W root bear! I had so much fun. This year, I don't know where are we celebrating my birthday, but I know I wanted a Lady Bug's cake from Secret Receipe!

Last year, I went to many holiday trips. We went to Afamosa Melaka to celebrate my birthday where I shoo the peacock! We also went to Melaka in May. In July we went to Lumut and stayed by the sea side. We went to Kuantan last December.
Last year, I went to Singapore 3 times! Had lots of fun at Universal Studio and watching Barney in concert!
But the ultimate holiday was in Hong Kong Disneyland!!

So, what's in store for me in 2011? Mummy said I'll be going to school!!!!!!!

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