Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Happy Birthday, papa! Today is your birthday!!!
Yesterday, we went to Avillion Water Chalet Resort in Port Dickson to celebrate papa's birthday (it was more for me, actually!)

Arrived there by 12.30pm. It was cloudy but no rain.
The resort was superb. We stayed in the chalet by the seaside (it was actually above the sea!).

Balcony view......
After checking in, we headed straight to the beach (I insisted!)

Getting ready.....

Luckily it was not hot...... I made lots of sandcastles. But the beach is not that really nice. A bit dirty with some rubbish seen.

After that, we headed to the swimming pool. Luckily it was not crowded. So I managed to have the pool and jacuzzi all by myself!

Saw a beautiful peacock along the way to the pool......

Decided to leave the pool by 3.30pm as it was getting hot. We went back to the chalet to hava an afternoon nap before heading to the beach again!

Papa is flying........

Destroy the sandcastles!!!!

As it was getting dark, we went back for a quick bath and then dinner. We had dinner at a seafood restaurant.

After dinner, we went to the playground and Kiddie Centre................

Playing fusball..... (I win!)

This frog is so funny!!

I took this picture myself!!

Heading back to chalet....... It was already 11.30pm. Mummy said I don't need to go to school the next day!


But still can run!
This morning, after breakfast, we went to the pet farm. Here I can see rabbits, chickens, tortoise and peacocks. They allowed us to feed the animals. Initially I was a bit scared, but after a while I have to chase after the animals to feed them. I think they are scared of me!

We went for swimming again before checking out. It was a fun journey and I wish I can come here again.
Later at night, we celebrated papa's birthday with a cake, a birthday song and a kiss!

1 comment:

James said...

Very memorable this blog will be am sure.... will look forward for the part of this blog :-)