Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Sorry for not updating for a while. Actually I was away last week. Papa was attending a course in Johor Bahru and we decided to follow! I ponteng school for the whole week! It was my first trip to JB. Basically there was nothing much to do there. We reached there on Monday night. We stayed at M-Suites Hotel where papa was attending the course. The hotel was so boring! Nothing much to do except a swimming pool. I stayed in the hotel most of the time watching TV and doing homework. Papa's friend, uncle Teck Meng came and visited us. He's from JB. He brought us out for dinner at a seafood restaurant by the seaside. It was similar like Hai Thien Restaurant back in Kuala Perlis. We had crabs, seashells, tofu and vegetables.

After dinner we went to a funfair in town. I went for a train ride and merry go round. We played games too and I won prizes such as color pencils, minnie mouse mini cup, stickers and fancy pens!

On Thursday, after lunch, we headed to Singapore..........

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