Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Singapore Fun!

Here's the prizes that I've won at the fun fair........

We went to Singapore on Thursday after lunch. Reached yee-poh's place around 3.30pm. Was so happy to see Joelle-yee and Reuben-goo. We went to the zoo on Friday. Luckily it was a bright sunny day. I went to the zoo two years ago but that time I was still a small girl.....

Hmm... Which way should I go?

Managed to see lots of animals, monkeys, elephants, tigers, giraffes, otters, penguins, hippos etc.....

Proboscis monkey. Look, the nose is so big!

First, we went for the tram ride (I was so lazy to walk, I was hot and sweating!). The tram actually took us around the whole zoo.

Stopped by the restaurant for lunch around 12pm. I had hot dog and chips!

I also saw the baboon family. Baboons are so funny coz their backside is red in colour! Ha! Ha! Ha!

A tiger that is white instead of orange..

We also took a boat ride at the lake of the zoo....

The highlight of the visit is the Kiddie's area. Here I saw rabbits, goats, sheeps ponies and horses. They also have merry go round ride!

Of course, I need to have my favourite strawberry ice-cream!

I also went for a horse carriage ride with papa.

I also went for a pony ride by myself. But I have to cover my nose throughout the journey as the pony was very smelly!

Next we went for the water play!! I had so much fun playing with water and splashing water to papa!

We watched the animal show before we went back. I was so tired that i fell asleep the moment I stepped into the car!

San yee-poh and charles ah kong came over that night. The next day, we went shopping. Yee-poh bought me a Winnie the Pooh Lego set! That night, we went out for dinner with papa's friends. We had pizzas, pastas and ice-cream!

We left Singapore on Sunday after lunch. What a fun week!

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