Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Mummy and Congratulations Err-Yee!

We were in KL last week to attend err-yee's convocation. We arrived at Tuesday night. It was mummy's birthday. We celebrated together with ah kong and ah mah. Both of them also came down for the convocation.

On Wednesday, we went for breakfast in Midvalley. Ah kong bought me a princess fishing game. In the afternoon, we attended Err-yee's convocation. There were so many people and I bought a Mickey Mouse balloon! After that we went for dinner at a Chinese Restaurant.

Ah kong and ah mah went back on Thursday. On Saturday, papa brought me to a book warehouse sale. It was so far and we even have to take a shuttle bus from the car park to the hall. I bought more than ten books! It was very cheap according to papa. That night we went for dinner with poh-poh, weng sok and ah pek with family.

It was also to celebrate ah pek's birthday. But his actual birthday is today. Happy birthday ah pek!

Clarise is now learning to turn........

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