Sunday, July 22, 2012

Greetings from Florida!

Sorry for not updating for awhile. We reached Florida last Tuesday. It took us awhile to adjust to our new environments. It is very funny that whenever it's morning here, it's at night in Malaysia! So, for the past few days, Clarise woke up in the middle of the night to disturb us and we slept throughout the day!
Currently we are staying in a hotel until we find permanent place. But we managed to Facetime and Skype everyday. So, we managed to see and talk to everyone at home everyday.

Weston City is basically a peaceful and small city. The weather is just like Malaysia. There are lots of parks and lakes everywhere. We went to one of the parks yesterday and had so much fun! Clarise also enjoyed herself at the playground.
We didnt go around much as we did'nt have a car yet. Currently papa is renting a car while looking for one. Another funny thing is here people drive on the left side! Everything here is opposite compared to Malaysia, so funny!

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