Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone!! May the year 2013 brings more joy and happiness to everybody.
We spent a night in a hotel in Coral Gables, Miami on new year's eve. We went to Red Fish Grill Restaurant in Matheson Hammock Park for dinner. It was a very beautiful park by the seaside. It was very cold and windy!

It was very nice enjoying dinner by the seaside. It reminded me of having dinner in Hai Thien Restaurant in Kuala Perlis!

Corn and Crab soup

Grilled mahi-mahi (Do you know what is mahi-mahi?)

Roasted chicken

After dinner, we went for a walk around town and stopped by Starbucks for desserts. Me and Clarise had chocolate and strawberry cake pops. As we are still little girls, we did not stay for the New Year countdown (Mummy and Papa must be disappointed!)

On New Year's day, we went to Jungle Island in Miami. It is something like a mini zoo next to the seaside. We saw lots of animals and managed to ride a camel and feed parrots and goats. Clarise likes the lion!

Later in the evening, we went to Miami beach. Too bad we did not bring our swimsuits. Furthermore, it was cold and windy, so I guess we still won't get to wear our swimsuits! It was not really that crowded and we walked along the beach and collecting seashells. It was an enjoyable trip and it's back to school tomorrow!

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