Saturday, March 2, 2013

Washington DC (3)

It was a sunny day on Sunday but still very cold. We went to US Capitol in the morning. This is the place where the Congress meets. Unfortunately, it was closed on Sunday.


National Museum of African Art

Smithsonian castle

Washington monument

We then went to Thomas Jefferson Memorial. He was the third president of USA.

Standing next to Jefferson's statue

Jefferson memorial entrance

Jefferson memorial from the back

After that we went to Lincoln memorial. We had lunch here. Here is the large famous Lincoln statue.


View of the National Mall

Funny bicycle!

We also visited Madame Tussaud's museum. It was the same museum as in New York but here they have all the president's statues.

Abraham Lincoln

George Washington

Martin Luther King Jr


Ronald Reagan

The Clintons

George Bush

By evening, we went to visit the White House. This is where the president lives. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to go in. We saw police and secret service everywhere.

On your mark, get set... Go!!

White House

We had dinner at the Union Station before we went back to our hotel. I had sushi!

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