Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Graduation Photos

My school term will be coming to the end soon. Our end of the year school performance will be on the 7th July. I am going to miss all my friends!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Miami Children's Museum

We went to the Miami Children's Museum today. It was smaller than Arizona Children's Museum but nevertheless, still so much fun!

There are so many things to play. Me and Clarise went to the Bank of America. Here, We learnt how bank notes were printed and I learnt how to write a cheque.

Huge piggy bank

They have Publix in here too. Me and Clarise did some shopping and we even milked the cow!

How much are these?

I want nen-nen

I want to buy this lobster

Next, we went to the Baptist Children Wellness Center. Here we learnt how to take care of our teeth and we get to become doctor. We get to play firefighters, policemen and engineers too.

Waiting for the dentist

Let me see what's wrong with you

Dr Chloe Chong MD

Dr Clarise Chong MD

Is there a fire?

Take this!

Vroom! Vroom!

On the second floor, there is a huge Carnival cruise ship. We became captains here. There was also a teddy-bear room full of different teddy bears! Here we learnt how to make butter from whipped cream. We also joined the art class.

Teddy bears from different countries

Look, it's bigger than me!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

End of the School-Year Celebration

Last Thursday we had an end of school-year celebration party for PK4 and PK5 in Vista View Park. It was so much fun.

We had face-painting, singing and dancing contests. But most of the time we were playing in the playground. I spent most of the time playing with my best friend, Angelina. Angelina brought some gems for everyone and a bubble bottle for me. So, we were playing with bubbles most of the time.

Pretty or not?

With Sofia and Leah

Look, I can climb!

Ricardo's face is so funny!

With my best friend, Angelina

Say cheese!


We had so much fun singing and dancing. I sang "Call Me Maybe" and danced the "Gangnam Style". Everyone laugh at Clarise dancing the "Gangnam Style"!

"...so here's my number, and call me maybe.."

Yummy cupcakes!

"Opp.. Opp.. Oppa gangnam style!"

"yea... sexy lady... Opp.. Opp.."

"I can dance!"

"...yeah, sexy lady...."


We had hotdogs, cotton candies, snowcones, cheetohs, potato chips and fruits. Our party finished at 1.00pm. Unfortunately, not all my friends turned up. Some stayed back in school as their parents were busy to attend the party. But I had so much fun. This weekend will be a long weekend as Monday is Memorial Day.

Yummy cotton candy


Slurrp! This is so good!

"Friends forever"
