Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day Celebration

Today we celebrated Mother's Day in my school. We invited our mummy to the school in the morning and we had a small party. Mummy went with Clarise. We sang songs and had a light snack.
Each of us made a card for mummy and we had to stand in front of the class to read its content. This is what I wrote to my mummy:

M is for the many times you have hugged me
O is for the many things you do
M is all our memories together
Mom, I am so glad that I have you

I managed to read this all by myself in front of the class and mummy was so proud of me!

Later, me and mummy made our pinwheel together. Clarise was enjoying herself too by playing in our play area. In the afternoon, we took our class photo.

Happy Mother's Day!

My card to mummy

With my best friend, Angelina

Our pinwheel!

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