Saturday, May 31, 2014

Statue of Liberty

We went to Liberty Island to vista the Statue of Liberty on Friday morning. We did not get to visit the island last year as it was closed for renovation after Hurricane Sandy. We took a ferry from Battery Park and reached the island after a 20 minutes ride.

This time we get to visit the inside of the statue. It has a museum here. We visited  the pedestal area which is the base of the statue. People can go up to the top until the crown of the statue but they need to walk up more than 300 steps! I don't think I can do that!

At the pedestal area

View from the top

Can you spot me?

We stand like the statue

View of Manhattan

In the museum, we learnt about the history of Statue of Liberty. It was built in 1882. by the French as a gift to the US government. The entire statue was made of copper. I have developed a new hobby which is taking photographs. I know how to use papa's big camera and I took lots of photos all by myself.

After Liberty Island, the ferry took us to the neighbouring Ellis Island. We visited the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. This building was used to be the point of entry for many immigrants who came here many many years ago. Again, I took lots of photos here.

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