Friday, August 20, 2010

Singapore Trip (4)

We celebrated Reuben ah goo's birthday on SAturday night. Actually he is a Singapore National Day boy, he was born on the 9th of August exactly Singapore's National Day. We decided to celebrate earlier coz we were going back on Sunday.

We had BBQ party that night. Yee-poh didn't invite anybody, just us. All of us wore red and white, which is the Singapore flag's colour. We had so much fun!

After the BBQ, we went up for the cake cutting ceremony. It was a Woody's birthday cake! I like Woody! Reuben got a lot of presents that night. I also got 2 sets of Lego and a Toy Story 3D puzzles!

All of us slept very late that night. As usual, Charles ah kong mabuk.........

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