Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Merdeka Day!

Yesterday was National Day. Goong-goong and poh-poh took the opportunity of the long break and went to Kota Kinabalu. I've been there when i was 9 months old. Hardly remembers anything from there.......

Goong-goong bought a lot of chocolates, but I don't like the durian chocolates. I just can't stand the smell of durians! We went out for dinner just now as goong-goong is going back to alor star tomorrow, but poh-poh will be staying in KL till Sunday.

I've already learned to use the toilet. Mummy and papa said i'm a good girl! But they already fed-up now coz i 'll wake them up at 6am every morning to bring me to the toilet! Ha! Ha!

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