Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya with Barney and Friends!

We went to Singapore again during Hari Raya. Mummy didn't even tell me we are going to Singapore until the early morning Friday. So bad!!

The reason we went there was because Mummy wanted to take me to watch Barney in Concert!! I was so excited!

We reached Singapore around 9am on Friday. After picking up 3-yee poh, we straight went to yee-poh's house. 3-yee poh bought me a dress and yee poh bought me another Toy Story Lego! Thank you!!
That night we had BBQ (again!).

On Saturday morning, we went shopping in Orchard Road. After that, we went to Singapore Expo for the Barney and Friends Concert.

The show started at 5pm. I had popcorns while enjoying the concert.

The show started with Barney coming on stage singing. Later he was joined by his other friends like BJ and Bee-bop! I had so much fun singing along with them! But a baby next to me just keep crying the whole show!

The show ended by 6.30pm and mummy bought me a Barney T-shirt! Pretty isn't it? :)

After the show, Lancy Ah-Kong brought us for dinner at No Signboard Restaurant. Look at the sizes of their crabs! I didn't eat crabs coz it was too spicy for me.

After dinner, we went for a walk before headed back home..........

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