Saturday, July 14, 2012

School Farewell Party

Yesterday was my last day at school. If I haven't tell you yet, I'll be going to USA next Monday for a year. My school decided to throw me a mini fare well party. We had a small picnic party followed by a mini concert where we sing and dance.

Me and my good friend, Rachel

Lining up for the picnic party

We had pastas, buns and sausages....

Me and Jia Wen

Getting ready for the mini concert

We sang "We Are The World" and "It's a Small World". We also performed the Rock and Roll dance!

Group photo

Group photo with all my teachers

With my big brother and big sisters

Mia gave me a hug. I will miss her coz she won't be around when I come back next year

Me and Kuan Yue

The party lasted about an hour plus. After that we went for lunch before heading home. I'm gonna miss my friends and teachers very much!


Unknown said...

Hi Chloe, teacher Jen here. How r u?? Miss u so much :)

Chloe said...

Hi teacher, i'm at KLIA now......
I miss you too!

Unknown said...

Hey girl, how's is ur life?

Chloe said...

Hi teacher,
I am attending school now, but it's from 8am to 4pm! Otherwise, enjoying my life here..