Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Snow! Snow! Snow!

We just came back from New York City last night and it was an unforgettable experience! We arrived on Friday and we were actually caught in the middle of a blizzard! Luckily, we took the earliest flight as the rest of the flights were cancelled on that day.

The first thing I noticed when we arrived at the airport is cold, cold, very, very cold! It was raining and very windy. We stayed in Marriott right in the middle of Times Square. We all have to wear layers of clothes.

Clarise's clothes are so thick!

View from our hotel room

Cute baby

It was so cold that we could not go anywhere. We had lunch at MC Donald's which is just across the street (in fact, we had lunch here almost everyday!).

Clarise likes ketchup now

Since it was so cold, we decided to walk around Times Square on Friday. There was a 3-stories Toys R Us shop there! It was so huge that it even has its own Ferris wheels. There is also a big Disney's store too.

Me with Geoffrey, the Toys R Us mascot

Bought some candies from the Candyland

By evening, it started snowing. Yes, finally I get to see and touch snow! It is just like ice-kacang! The snow was getting heavier and heavier that we have no choice but to get back to our hotel. The temperature was as low as -1 degree. Clarise could not stand the cold as she refused to wear winter jacket and gloves.

Snow tasted like water!

Snow everywhere..

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