Friday, February 15, 2013

Winter Chinese New Year (2)

We celebrated a winter Chinese New Year this year. It was snow everywhere. In the morning we went for a ferry cruise to see the 9/11 Memorial and the new World Trade Center and also the Statue of Liberty. My teacher told me all about the Statue of Liberty!

Gong Xi Fa Cai...
Hong Bao Na Lai!

 Although it was sunny, it was still very cold. Our first stop was Battery Park, where we have to walk for about 15 minutes before we reached the 9/11 Memorial site.

View of Downtown Manhattan from our ferry

Memorial fountain with names of those who were perished in the 9/11 attack

The new world trade center under construction

After that we continue our journey by ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, the Ellis Island was closed to public as it was damaged by Hurricane Sandy. But we still managed to see the Lady up close.

Brooklyn bridge

Statue of Liberty!

Snow ball fight!

Wanna try my huge snowball?

It's heavy!

Look at this car...

And this....

After a late lunch (Mc Donald's again!), we went for our bus tour and visited the Empire State Building. It is the tallest building in New York City. We went up to 86th floor to the observation area and saw a 360 degree view of New York City. The sight was breathtaking!

Empire State Building

Say cheese!

By the time we came down from the Empire State, it was already dark. We did not have time to visit the Chinatown. We had dinner in our hotel room as everyone was too tired after walking for whole day. Although tired, we were very happy as it was a fruitful day and we managed to visit so many places.
I felt a bit sad as we have to go back the next day.

Rockefeller Center

Unfortunately, it was raining on Monday, the day we are suppose to fly home. We continue our bus tour to Upper Manhattan but it was getting colder and colder due to the rain. We decided to take a cab back to the hotel. Not only that, our flight was delayed for an hour due to the bad weather. I really like New York City and I hope we can come here again in future.

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