Sunday, June 23, 2013

Orlando Trip (1)

We went to Orlando last Tuesday. We stayed at Nickelodeon Suite Resort. We stayed in a Dora room. The hotel is very nice and our room was facing a huge water slide. We even managed to take photos with Blue, Spongebob and Dora. 

Unfortunately, it was raining heavily in the evening, so we did not get to go to the swimming pool. At night, we went for dinner and a walk at Universal Studios Citywalk.

The next morning we brought goong-goong and poh-poh to the Kennedy Space Center. Here is the place where they launched rockets and spaceships to the space and moon. We learned a lot about space and planets. But the weather was very hot! We also went to the Astronaut Hall of Fame. After lunch, we went to Wonderworks....

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